Join the Team

If your authority is responsible for protecting the maritime or aviation domain, we invite your authority to become part of the global team that can make a difference in keeping your community safe. We want to hear from you.

Our primary focus is protecting the public and the supply chain against threats like terrorism and other serious crimes. Working together as a global force, we effectively achieve our collective requirements and address community, national, and global security threats.

Authority Activities offer*:

  • Representation at regulation and policy development for the United Nations and other international organizations;

  • Participate in INTERPORTPOLICE delegations to the United Nations and other international organizations;

  • Contribute to the development of guidance and best practices for the transport security and law enforcement sectors, including through lessons learned;

  • Staff to access, deliver, receive, and develop high quality training courses and material;

  • Access to guidance and best practices developed by other INTERPORTPOLICE member organizations;

  • Support to members’ interests when promoting national inter-agency cooperation;

  • Participate in impartial security assessment and audits of members’ security and law enforcement systems;

  • Participation in a global recognition and awards programme for individuals and organizations; and

  • Access to a robust communication and networking system connecting member organizations and individual members.

  • Some activities require donor status.*

An authority whose country are a UNITED NATIONS or INTERPOL member or invited, may apply for admissions**.

How to Apply

Many of our educational programmes are in whole or are in part through the partnership with the Morrone 9/11 Center for Counterterrorism and Security (A U.S. 501 c3 charity).



  • Administrative note: $1,000 of each INTERPORTPOLICE donor fee is retained by the Morrone 9/11 Center for Counterterrorism and Security as the administration agent for billing and supporting cooperative education programs and the security resource member exchange databases.

**New applying organizations 


An authority, agency, or department with responsibility for law enforcement, public safety, security, or intelligence is eligible for admission.  Effective January 1, 2025*, the Organization shall move from the suspended donor-based contribution fee and again begin donor-based contribution to support the requirements.

Upon submission, a letter of invitation will be offered.  The Organization donor admission fee will be sent via an invoice through the SRMX Portal - Security Resource Member Xchange.  Donor categories and requirements are as follows:



    • General Authority $2,450:  Policing, Public Safety, and intelligence responsibilities – -AVSEC/MARSEC – participate in after-action and security discussions, supporting efforts and projects with United Nations Agencies and AGM Privileges. Some of the benefits are:

      • See Say Act security and public affairs program.

        • Security environment police and security tactics

        • Staff and public eyes and ears education program

        • Human and Animal and public affairs program.

      • Port Security Best Practice Guide. – Based on known evidence-based principles, this guide provides lessons learned about security environment practices for mass people and critical infrastructure requires protection. Then, when a situation moves from operational to a crisis, it's imperative that the situation be well-trained and have procedures in place that are controlled and managed in a manner that is beneficial to public safety and expediency of bringing an incident under control.  Self-auditing and on-site auditing certification.

      • PSeMS - Port Security Management System A practice guide supporting a proactive approach for assessing and managing holistic security risks. It's designed for senior leadership teams and security managers.

      • International Council on Security & Reliance - ICSR intergovemental committees: (Being formed)

        ICSR – Policy & Practices

        ICSR - Risk and Resilience

        ICSR – Technology & Innovation

        ICSR – Capacity Development

        ICSR – After Action Reviews

        ICSR – Supply Chain Security

    • Associate General: Regulated Authority - $2.850: Port Authority security and/or public safety related to aviation, maritime, transport, or border that is a private organization regulated or contracted by a government authority—appropriate training and certification programs and seminars. Qualified organizations may participate in many of the programs as nonvoting participants.

    • Sponsoring security organization - $1950: civilian aviation, maritime, transport, and border-related organizations.  

    • After you submit it, a draft admission letter will be forwarded to the authority.  A list of senior personnel will be requested. Invitations to the SRMX Document  Portal will be sent.


    • A law enforcement or security government agency from a developing nation may apply to have some or all of its donor funding requirements reduced.


  • Consultative Authority: A qualified authority, educational association, or institution whose mission includes efforts related to aviation, maritime,  transport, or border; public safety and security that wishes to contribute to and support the activities of the Organization through various contributions, including academics, research, and expertise other approved activities relating to policing, public safety, and security may apply, Donor fee: $950


  • Supporting Officers:  Those individual officers who wish to keep abreast of the activities of the Organization may join and receive selected benefits:

    • Command Sworn Officer - $250

    • Sworn Officer - $100

    • Government Security Officer - $65

    • Port Regulated Security Officer - $50

  • Supporting Commercial Companies with security interests related to aviation, maritime, transport, or border issues, including critical public infrastructure, would like to keep abreast of information and be included in identified general programs.  Includes a listing in the Policing and Security product and services directory.  Organization donor fee: $1,875.

About our Funding Requirements* – In 2010, the board suspended donor requirements due to economic conditions at police agencies.  Our requirements to work globally and assist member countries and authorities from traditional resources go well beyond our police and security revenue budgets. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a budget that can be depended upon to serve our authorities.  The above donor requirements are effective January 1, 2025. Voluntary Project and Donor funding from governments, security organizations, non-governmental organizations, and private entities through programs, projects, grants, and other contributions becomes essential and recommended. We appreciate your appropriate inquiries. Project agreement inquiries accepted.

*Admission status category is reflected in how the organization is constituted.

Thank you! 

If you have any immediate questions, please contact us.

Law Enforcement | Public Safety

INTERPORTPOLICE | AIRPOL International Police AVSEC Forum; held at NYU New York, New York. Supported by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Dept.

  • Regulated Security

Working in Collaboration for Transporation Public Safety & Supply Chain Security